The appointment of Christine Lagarde as president of the ECB has been greeted with euphoria by financial markets. That reaction in itself should be a warning signal. When risky assets soar in the middle of a huge bubble due to a central bank appointment, the supervising entity should be concerned.
The defeat of Tsipras in Greece is the loss of those who came to power promising that two plus two would equal twenty-two, of paper promises and policies that harm those that they pretend to protect. Read More
In this fifth episode of my video-blog, we discuss the mistake of believing GDP as the key driver of economic growth, as it is not difficult to inflate via debt.
We also discuss the differences between the US, China and EU, and why the slowdown in the Eurozone should concern us more.
In this video from Hedgeye’s Investing Summit 2018, Keith McCullough and Daniel Lacalle discuss the eurozone slowdown, as well as the earnings season, the macroeconomic and political risks and the implications of rising fiscal imbalances in most European economies.